New Era of Materials Science Open by Neutron Beams
The neutron scattering technique is an indispensable probe for advanced material science. This center provides a platform about neutron scattering that aims to enhance the researches of environment materials, such as hydrogen storages and functional magnets.
IMR owns two characteristic neutron spectrometers for materials science in a reactor facility. Moreover, in 2008, Material and Life Science experimental facility (MLF) at Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex (J-PARC), which will have the brightest neutron source, began its operation. J-PARC will open the new era of material science. In this remarkable turning point, this center aims at creating leap of material science using neutron spectrometers in J-PARC and JRR-3, based on collaborations with other centers and laboratories in IMR. The center is the core of a project of a new neutron spectrometer J-PARC under a collaboration between Tohoku university and High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK).
Global Institute for Materials Research Tohoku(GIMRT) Proposal Call is open now. Please see overview to choose proposal type.