# This is a template file for RIETAN-2000 for angle-dispersive X-ray and neutron
# diffraction.

# Many comments are sprinkled in this file for beginners.  Power users may
# delete part of them to shorten it.  Addition of memorandums is also fine.
# Comments can be input in the following manner:

# (1) # comment
# (2) Comment {
# (3) } comment
# (4) Variable name = value: comment
# (5) Variable name = value! comment

# Form (1) may in input from the middle of a line.  Lines with a top character
# of '#' or forms (2) and (5) are regarded as comment lines as a whole.
# Form (2), which is usually used in combination with form (3), is optional;
# that is, it is a mere comment line without any effect during refinement.
# Form (3) is used to indicate the end of a series of input lines.  Variable
# names in Forms (4) and (5) should appear only once in one file.  The first
# character of an integer variable should be I, J, K, L, M, or N whereas that
# of a real variable capital letters other than these characters.

# Title (CHARACTER*80)
Si  NIST640c  i(5.4311946A)
# This template file for three-phase Rietveld refinement was kindly presented by
# A. A. Belik.
# The background is rather high because of inclusion of Fe.
# Refer to A. A. Belik, K. V. Pokholok, A. P. Malakho, S. S. Khasanov, and
# B. I. Lazoryak, Rus. J. Inorg. Chem. 45 (2000) 1494.

NBEAM = 0: Neutron powder diffraction.
NBEAM = 1!: Conventional X-ray powder diffraction with characteristic X rays.
NBEAM = 2! Synchrotron X-ray powder diffraction.

NMODE = 0: Rietveld analysis of powder diffraction data.
NMODE = 1! Calculation of powder diffraction intensities (plus simulation).
NMODE = 2! Total-pattern fitting where structure factors are fixed at Fc(MEM)'s.
NMODE = 3! The same as NMODE = 2 but refine |Fc|'s for relaxed reflections.
NMODE = 4! Conventional Le Bail analysis.
NMODE = 5! Le Bail analysis using a partial structure.
NMODE = 6! Individual profile fitting.

NPRINT = 0! Minimal output.
NPRINT = 1! Standard output.
NPRINT = 2! Detailed output.

If NBEAM = 0 then
   XLMDN = 1.82035: Neutron wavelength/Angstrom.
   RADIUS = 0.35: Radius/cm of the cylindrical cell.
   ABSORP =  1.15! Positive --> Density/g.cm-3 of the sample.*
   ABSORP =  0.0: Zero --> Neglect absorption.
   ABSORP = -1.0! Negative --> -(Linear absorption coefficient)*(radius).
   # * Calculated from the inner diameter, height, and mass of the sample.
else if NBEAM = 1 then
   NTARG = 1! Ag K_alpha radiation.
   NTARG = 2! Mo K_alpha radiation.
   NTARG = 3! Cu K_beta radiation.
   NTARG = 4: Cu K_alpha radiation.
   NTARG = 5! Co K_alpha radiation.
   NTARG = 6! Fe K_alpha radiation.
   NTARG = 7! Cr K_alpha radiation.

   R12 = 0.0: Intensity(K-alpha2)/Intensity(K-alpha1). R12 = 0.0 for Cu K_beta radiation.
   CTHM1 = 0.799: (cos(2*alpha))**n for the monochromator.*
   # * alpha: Bragg angle of the monochromator. CTHM1 = 1.0 if no monochromator is installed.

   NSURFR = 0: Do not correct for surface roughness.
   NSURFR = 1! Correct for surface roughness by combining NSURFR = 2 and 3.
   NSURFR = 2! Correct for surface roughness with Sparks et al.'s model.
   NSURFR = 3! Correct for surface roughness with Suortti's model.
   NSURFR = 4! Correct for surface roughness with Pitschke et al.'s model.

   NTRAN = 0: Bragg-Brentano geometry (conventional divergence slit).
   NTRAN = 1! Bragg-Brentano geometry (automatic divergence slit*).
   NTRAN = 2! Transmission geometry (e.g., Guinier diffractometer).
   NTRAN = 3! Debye-Scherrer geometry.
   # * This slit gives variable divergence angles and a fixed irradiation width.
else if NBEAM = 2 then
   XLMDX = 1.5401: X-Ray wavelength/Angstrom.
   PCOR2 = 0.05: I0(perpendicular)/I0(parallel). I0: incident intensity.
   # Refer to D.E. Cox, "Synchrotron Radiation Crystallography," ed by
   # P. Coppens, Academic Press, London (1992), p. 233.
   CTHM2 = 1.0: cos(2*alpha)**2 for the crystal monochromator (see above).
   XMUR2 = 0.0: (Linear absorption coefficient)*(radius).
end if

If NBEAM = 1 and NTRAN = 1 then
   DSANG = 0.5: Angle/degree of the divergence slit at the minimum 2-theta.
   RGON = 185.0: Goniometer radius/mm.
   SWIDTH = 20.0: Irradiation width/mm for the sample.
else if NBEAM = 1 and NTRAN = 2 then
   PCOR1 = 0.5: Fraction of the perfect crystal contribution.
   SABS = 1.0: (Linear absorption coefficient)*(effective thickness).
else if NBEAM = 1 and NTRAN = 3 then
   XMUR1 = 0.0: (Linear absorption coefficient)*(radius).
end if

If NBEAM = 0 then
   # Real neutral chemical species, amounts of substances, plus '/'.  Names of
   # 'real chemical species' are recorded in the database file asfdc.  The
   # amounts of substances are used to calculate absorption factors.  When
   # magnetic scattering is observed, attach '*' to magnetic atoms if any,
   # e.g., 'Fe*' and 'Mn*'.
   'Si' 1.0  /

   # Input LCMFF (= 0) and CMFF(I) (I = 1-7) for magnetic atoms attached with
   # '*."  LCMFF and CMFF corresponds to l and seven coefficients in Eqs.
   # ( and ( in "International Tables," Vol. C (1999), p. 456.
   # The total number of these lines equals the number of magnetic atoms.
   # The following line is input for Fe2+ (l = 0):
   # 0 0.0263 34.960 0.3668 15.943 0.6188 5.594 -0.0119
   # '}' is unnecessary because the number of atoms attached with '*." has
   # already been known.
else if NBEAM >= 1 then
   # Real chemical species plus '/'.
   # Refer to the data base file asfdc for chemical species to be input here.
   'O-'  'P'  'Fe3+'  'Cu2+' /
end if

If NBEAM = 0 then
   # Skip
else if NBEAM = 2 or NTARG = 3 then
   # Read pairs of anomalous dispersion corrections, Delta-f' and Delta-f''.
   # Input statements in RIETAN: READ(5,*) (DELTF1(J), DELTF2(J), J=1, NREAL).
   # NREAL: Number of real chemical species.
   # Neither '/' nor '}' is required bacause the number of input data (2*NREAL)
   # has been already known.
end if

# When a site is occupied by two or more chemical species as in solid
# solutions, supposing an 'virtual' chemical species where these chemical
# species are mixed with each other in definite amount-of-substance
# fractions (total = 1) serves to decrease the total number of sites.
# Of course, such virtual species can be used only when their occupancies
# are fixed.  Input one virtual species plus '/' per line and '}' (plus comment)
# in the last line in the following way:

# Virtual chemical species
# 'M1' 'Ba' 0.633 'Nd' 0.367 / # Metal on the rock-salt layer
# 'M2' 'Nd' 0.675 'Ce' 0.325 / # Eight-coordinated atom in the fluorite block
# } End of virtual chemical species.

# 'M1' and 'M2' are names of virtual chemical species, 'Ba', 'Nd,' and 'Ce' are
# names of real chemical species input above, and numbers are amount-of-
# substance fractions of constituent elements.  For the above species, Refer to
# F. Izumi et al., Physica C 160 (1989) 235.
# When no virtual species are used, all the lines must be commented out.

Data concerning crystalline phases contained in the sample {

# Phase No. 1

PHNAME1 = 'Si': Phase name (CHARACTER*25).

VNS1 = 'A-227': (Vol.No. of Int.Tables: A or I)-(Space group No)-(Setting No).

LSPSYM1 = 0: Information on the space group is read from the data base.
LSPSYM1 = 1! In addition to LSPSYM = 0, reflection conditions are specified.
LSPSYM1 = 2! A non-standard axes-setting method is adopted.
# Additional input data are required when SSPSYM1 > 0 but not described here
# because of its rare use.

If NBEAM >= 1 then
   LPAIR1 = 0: No Bijvoet pairs (hkl & -h-k-l) are generated.
   LPAIR1 = 1! Bijvoet pairs (hkl & -h-k-l) are generated.
   # Set at 0 in a centrosymmetric space group.  Note that in 24 centrosymmetric
   # space groups, e.g., origin choice 1 for Pnnn (No. 48), descriptions with
   # points of higher symmetry as origin are also provided.  Setting this value
   # at 0 for a noncentrosymmetric space group increases the calculation speed
   # with lowering accuracy of structure factors.
end if

INDIV1 = 0! The overall isotropic atomic displacement parameter is input.
INDIV1 = 1: Atomic displacement parameters are assinged to all the sites.
# Neither B's nor beta_ij's are input if INDIV1 = 0.  Input zero for the
# overal isotropic atomic displacement parameter, Q, when INDIV1 = 1.

# Correction of perferred orientation
NPROR1 = 0!: Preferred orientation is not corrected for.
NPROR1 = 1! Sasa-Uda function for plate crystals.
NPROR1 = 2! Sasa-Uda function for needle-like crystals.
NPROR1 = 3: March-Dollase function.*
# * Note that the preferred orientation effect disappears in March-Dollase
#   function when r = 1.

IHP1 = 1: \
IKP1 = 1:   --> Preferred-orientation vector, hp, kp, lp.
ILP1 = 1: /
# The preferred-orientation vector should be set in such a way that it is
# a reciprocal-lattice vector, hpa* + kpb* + lpc*, perpendicular to a cleavage
# plane for a plate crystal and parallel with an extention direction for a
# needle-like crystal.  They are dummies when NPROR1 = 0.

LSUM1 = 0: No summation when calculating the March-Dollase function.
LSUM1 = 1!: Summation when calculating the March-Dollase function.*
# * Required when the symmetry is cubic, or the preferred-orientation vector
#   does not lie along the unique axis.  Dummy unless NPROR1 = 3.

IHA1 = 0: \
IKA1 = 0:   --> Anisotropic-broadening axis, ha, ka, la.
ILA1 = 1: /
# They are dummies when parameters related to anisotropic profile
# broadening are set at null.

# Place '}" (+ comment) after the input of information on all the phases.
} End of information about phases.

# Selection of the profile function.
NPRFN = 0! Pseudo-Voigt function of Thompson et al.*
NPRFN = 1! Split pseudo-Voigt function of Toraya.**
NPRFN = 2! Modified split pseudo-Voigt function*** for Relaxed reflections.
NPRFN = 3! Split Pearson VII function of Toraya.**
#   * P. Thompson et al., J. Appl. Crystallogr. 20 (1987) 79.
#  ** H. Taraya, J. Appl. Crystallogr., 23 (1990) 485.
# *** FWHM(Lorentz) <> FWHM(Gauss).  The split pseudo-Voigt function is
#     applied for the other reflections.  Refer to the following paper:
#     F. Izumi and T. Ikeda, Mater. Sci. Forum, 321-324 (2000) 198.

If NPRFN = 0 then
   NASYM = 0! Made asymmetric according to the procudure of Finger et al.*
   NASYM = 1! Made asymmetric according to the procudure of Howard.**
   #  * L. W. Finger et al., J. Appl. Crystallogr. 27 (1994) 892.
   # ** C. J. Howard, J. Appl. Crystallogr. 15 (1982) 615.
   NASYM = 1
end if

If NPRFN >= 1 then
   # Selection of the peak-shift function.
   # t0 - t3: Peak-shift parameters; x: 2-theta.
   NSHIFT = 0! t0.
   NSHIFT = 1! t0 + t1*cos(x) + t2*sin(x) + t3*tan(theta).
   NSHIFT = 2! t0 + t1*x + t2*x^2 + t3*x^3.
   NSHIFT = 3! t0 + t1*tan(theta) + t2*(tan(theta))^2 + t3*(tan(theta))^3.
   NSHIFT = 4: Legendre polynomials where 2-theta is normalized as -1 to 1.
   NSHIFT = 5! Legendre polynomials where tan(theta) is normalized as -1 to 1.
end if

# Labels (CHARACTER*25), parameters, A(I), to calculate diffraction intensities,
# and refinement identifiers, ID(I).  ID(I)'s are input without inserting any
# spaces between them only when NMODE = 0 (no problem even if they are input
# when NMODE = 1).

# In what follows, PPP and SPP denote a primary profile parameter and a
# secondary profile parameter, respectively.  For example, when calculating
# the FWHM, H, with the equation H = [U(tan(theta)**2 + Vtan(theta) + W]^0.5,
# H is a PPP, the FWHM parameters U, V, and W are SPPs.  In conventional
# Rietveld analysis, SPP's which are common to the whole 2-theta range are
# refined whereas PPPs are locally refined for relaxed reflections.

# ID(I) = 0: Fix parameter A(I) at the value input by the user.
# ID(I) = 1: Refine parameter A(I).
# ID(I) = 2: Impose a constraint to parameter A(I).
# ID(I) = 3: Fix a PPP at the value calculated from SPP's.
# If A(I) is set at zero by the user, A(I) is calculated from the SPP's in each
# cycle. In this case, if A(I) should actually be fixed at zero, input a value
# which is nearly zero, e.g., 10^(-15).

# Relations between ID(I)'s, NPRFN, and partial profile relaxation:
# (1) Partial profile relaxation cannot be used when NPRFN = 0.
# (2) ID(I)'s are 1-3 when NPRFN = 1, 3 under partial profile relaxation.
# (3) ID(I)'s are 1 or 2 when NPRFN = 2 under partial profile relaxation.

Label, A(I), and ID(I) now starts here {

# (1) Parameters common to all the phases.

# Peak-shift parameters.
# NPRFN = 0: Z, Ds, Ts & dummy1 (Ds = Ts = 0 in neutron diffraction).
# NPRFN > 0: t0, t1, t2 & t3.

If NPRFN = 0 then
   SHIFT0  0.0  8.02917E-3  0.0  0.0  0000
   SHIFTN  -7.96398E-2  0.0  0.0  0.0  1000
end if
# Surface-roughness parameters.
ROUGH  0.0  0.0  0.0  0.0  0000
# Background parameters, b_j (j = 0-11).
BACKGROUND  61.3884  -1.60858  6.20351  -2.61191  -3.40331E-1  2.73483
            -7.24207E-1  -3.01495E-3  20.9415  -1.09363E1  0.0  0.0
# PPP's of relaxed reflections (input as requied.  May be lacking).
# Format of each label: PPPn_h.k.l (n: phase number, hkl: diffraction index).
# PPP's refined in relaxed reflections:
# NPRFN = 1 (split pseudo-Voigt function): W, A, eta_L, eta_H.
# NPRFN = 2 (modified split pseudo-Voigt function): W1, W2, A, eta_L, eta_H.
# NPRFN = 3 (split Pearson VII function): W, A, mL, mH.
#   PPP1_3.1.1  1.00412  0.370161  0.953936  7.67088E-2  4.60681E-2
#            11111
#   PPP1_4.0.0  0.84914  0.396528  0.997276  9.17828E-2  0.122953  11111
#   PPP1_3.3.1  1.78806  0.434337  0.923789  0.115391  0.100643  11111
# (2) Parameters for the first phase, Si
# Scale factor, s.
SCALE1  1.29207E-3  1
# Profile parameters.
If NPRFN = 0 and NASYM = 1 then
   # TCH's pseudo-Voigt function made asymmetric by Howard's method.
   # FWHM parameters of the Gauss function, U, V, W, and P.
   GAUSS01  1.10418E-2  -6.28828E-3  2.66182E-3  0.0  0000
   # FWHM parameters of the Lorentz function, X, Xe, Y, and Ye.
   LORENTZ01  3.90935E-2  0.0  4.06713E-2  0.0  0000
   # Asymmetry parameter, As, plus five dummies.
   ASYM01  3.08666E-2  0.0  0.0  0.0  0.0  0.0  100000
else if NPRFN = 0 and NASYM = 0 then
   # TCH's pseudo-Voigt function made asymmetric by Finger et al.'s method.
   # FWHM parameters of the Gauss function, U, V, W, and P.
   GAUSS00  1.49395E-4  1.41366E-4  2.07988E-4  0.0  0000
   # FWHM parameters of the Lorentz function, X, Xe, Y, and Ye.
   LORENTZ00  3.3918E-2  1.85408E-3  2.48941E-2  -1.11746E-3  0000
   # Asymmetry parameters, rs and rd, plus four dummies.
   ASYM00  2.82968E-2  9.34981E-3  0.0  0.0  0.0  0.0  000000
else if NPRFN = 1 or NPRFN = 2 then
   # Non-relaxed reflections: split pseudo-Voigt function
   # Relaxed reflections: Modified split pseudo-Voigt function.
   # 半値幅パラメーター, U, V, W, a dummy.
   FWHM12  0.3848  -5.15724E-1  0.26183  0.0  1110
   # 非対称パラメーター, a0, a1, a2, a dummy.
   ASYM12  1.00155  0.316572  -1.13935E-1  0.0  0000
   # Decay parameters, eta_L0, eta_L1, eta_H0, and eta_H1.
   DECAY12  7.43531E-2  -2.84772E-2  2.76097E-2  3.3763E-2  0000
   # Asymmetric-broadening parameters, Ue and Pe.
   ANISOBR12  1.32852E-5  0.0  00
else if NPRFN = 3 then
   # Split Pearson VII function
   # FWHM parameters, U, V, W, plus a dummy.
   FWHM3  5.874843E-3  -2.614835E-3  5.290567E-3  0.0  0000
   # Asymmetry parameters, a0, a1, and a2, plus a dummy.
   ASYM3  0.976399  0.184397  -4.801547E-2  0.0  0000
   # Decay parameters, eta_L0, eta_L1, eta_H0, and eta_H1.
   M3  0.712220  0.219749  0.630807  0.125848  000
   # Asymmetric-broadening parameter, Ue and Pe.
   ANISOBR3  0.0  0.0  00
end if
# Preferred-orientation parameter, r, dummy9 (March-Dollase function);
# p1, p2 (Sasa-Uda function).
PREF1  0.999678  0.0  00
# Lattice parameters, a, b, c, alpha, beta, & gamma.
# Overall isotropic atomic displacement parameter, Q.
CELQ  5.43402  5.43402  5.43402  90.0  90.0  90.0  0.0  1000000
# Lable/(chemical species name), occupancy (g) , fractional coordinates
# (x,y,z), istropic atomic displacement parameter (B), ID(I)'s.
# One label is given to each site.  'Chemical species' include virtual ones
# (should not enclosed by ' ').  On the calculation of anisotropic atomic
# displacement parameters, input beta_11, beta_22, beta_33, beta_12,
# beta_13 and beta_23.  If a dummy '+' is input just before the value of B,
# RIETAN will determined the corresponding beta_ij.  Of course, six ID(I)'s
# must be input in this case.
# Label/species, g, x, y, z, B, and refinement identifiers (ID)
Si/Si  1.0  0.0  0.0  0.0  0.481587  00001

} End of lines for label/species, A(I), and ID(I)

# If two or more phases are included in the sample, repeat the input of
# parameters (scale factor or later) after structure parameters in the
# previous phase.  Do not enter labels that have already been input.

If NMODE <> 1 then
# Input linear constraints for parameters with ID(I) = 2.  A parameter with
# ID(I) = 2 is place at the left side, and equations to calculate it from other
# parameters with ID = 1.  "Linear" means that the equation is linear with
# respect to parameters contained in the right side.  Linear constraints can
# be imposed on PPPs, SPPs, and structure parameters.  In the case of SPPs,
# the linear constraints are used to set SPPs for two or more phases equal
# to each other.  Refer to the user's manual for the method of describing
# linear constraints.

# For example, linear constraints imposed among anisotropic atomic displacement
# parameters, beta_ij, are described in the following ways:
# A(X,B22)=A(X,B11) #5
# A(X,B22)=A(X,B11); A(X,B23)=A(X,B13) #6
# A(X,B22)=A(X,B11); A(X,B23)=-A(X,B13) #7
# A(X,B22)=A(X,B11) #8
# A(X,B33)=A(X,B22) #9
# A(X,B33)=A(X,B22); A(X,B13)=A(X,B12) #10
# A(X,B33)=A(X,B22); A(X,B13)=-A(X,B12) #11
# A(X,B33)=A(X,B22) #12
# A(X,B12)=0.5*A(X,B22) #13
# A(X,B12)=0.5*A(X,B22) #14
# A(X,B12)=0.5*A(X,B22); A(X,B23)=2.0*A(X,B13) #15
# A(X,B22)=A(X,B11); A(X,B12)=0.5*A(X,B11) #16
# A(X,B22)=A(X,B11); A(X,B33)=A(X,B11) #17
# A(X,B22)=A(X,B11); A(X,B33)=A(X,B11); A(X,B13)=A(X,B12); A(X,B23)=A(X,B12) #18
# where 'X' is a label (site name).  Please replace it with another label.
# Comments ('#'+integer) at the tails of these lines denote reference numbers in
# W. J. A. M. Peterson and J. H. Palm, Acta Crystallogr. 20 (1966) 147.

# Place '}" + comment after the input of all the linear constraints.
# When no constraints are given, comment out them, including '}.'
} End of linear constraints.
end if

NCUT = 0! The profile range for relaxed reflections is determined by RIETAN.
NCUT = 1! The profile range for relaxed reflections is input by the user.
NCUT = 0
# NCUT = 0 when NPRFN = 0.

If NCUT = 1 then
   # 2-theta ranges for the profiles of relaxed reflections in the same order
   # as PPn_h.k.l+PPP.  The total number of 2-theta pairs is equal to that of
   # the PPn_h.k.l+PPP+ID lines. in the same order.  No '}' is necessary
   # because the number of the relaxed reflections has been already known.
    5.10    9.40
   11.00   14.10
   18.20   21.80
   19.40   24.10
   21.60   23.40
end if

If NMODE <> 1 then
   NEXC = 0!: Parameters are refined using all the data points.
   NEXC = 1: Parameters are refined by excluding part of the data points.
end if

If NMODE <> 1 and NEXC = 1 then
   2-theta range not to be used for the refinement {
    0.0    25
        40 50
    150.01  180.0
   } End of excluded 2-theta ranges.
end if

If NMODE <> 1 then
   NRANGE = 0: Refine background parameters.
   NRANGE = 1! Fix backgrounds at (interpolated) values at specified 2-theta's.
   NRANGE = 2! Fix backgrounds of all the points at values in *.bkg.
   NRANGE = 3! Background = (background in *.bkg) * (Legendre polynomials).
end if

# When NRANGE > 0, 2-theta and background pairs are read in from *.bkg.
# (1) NRANGE = 1
# If a background is zero, it is set at a smoothed value at that data point.
# Backgrounds at other data points are fixed at interpolated values.  Such a
# manner is useful for the analysis of diffraction patterns where the number of
# reflections are relatively small and the background curve is complex, for
# example, having humps.
# List-directed READ statement in RIETAN-2000: READ(4,*) (X(J),Y(J), J=1,100).
# That is, we can input up to 100 diffraction points.  To show the end of data
# points, place '/' after the last data point.
# (2) NRANGE = 2
# Input 2-theta and background pairs whose total number should be equal to
# that of observed diffraction intensities in *.int.
# List-directed READ statement in RIETAN-2000:
# READ(8,*,END=9) (DEG(J),BG(J), J=1,NP)
# (3) NRANGE = 3
# This composite background function is particularly useful for the Debye-
# Scherrer geometry where samples are charged in capillaries, which makes the
# shape of the background complex.

If NMODE <> 1 then
   NPAT = 0! Output no file to plot Rietveld-refinement patterns.
   NPAT = 1! Not implemented.
   NPAT = 2! Ouput a RietPlot file to plot Rietveld-refinement patterns.
   NPAT = 3! Not implemented.
   NPAT = 4! Output a gnuplot text file to plot Rietveld-refinement patterns.
   NPAT = 5: Output an Igor text file to plot Rietveld-refinement patterns.
   # NPAT = 4 (every OS) or 5 (Mac OS and Windows) is recommended.
end if

If NMODE <> 1 and NPAT = 5 then
   IWIDTH = 800: Width of the graph.
   IHEIGHT = 400: Height of the graph.
   IYMIN = 0: Minimum value for the y axis (default for zero).
   IYMAX = 0: Maximum value for the y axis (default for zero).

   LBG = 0: Do not plot the background.
   LBG = 1! Plot the background.

   # Kind of a residual curve
   LDEL = 0: Plot Delta_y = (observed intensity - calculated intensity).
   LDEL = 1! Plot Delta_y/(standard deviation).
   LDEL = 2! Plot [Delta_y/(observed intenstiy)]/(standard deviation).*
   # * Refer to Eq. (1.13) in R. A. Young, "The Rietveld Method," p. 24.

   IOFFSETD = -800: Offset for the residual curve.
   IPSIZE = 4: Length of tick marks to show peak positions.
   IFSIZE = 16: Size of numerial values attached to the x and y axes.
   ILSIZE = 18: Size of labels for axes.

   INDREF = 0: Do not output waves XREF or YREF.
   INDREF = 1! The profile of each reflection is output to waves XREF and YREF.

   IOFFSET1 = -400: Offset for tick marks (peak positions) for the first phase.
   IOFFSET2 = 3200: Offset for tick marks (peak positions) for the second phase.
   IOFFSET3 = 2000: Offset for tick marks (peak positions) for the third phase.
   # If other phases are contained, input offsets in the above way.
   / # Place '/' if the number of phases whose offsets are input is less than 8.

   # You may also edit Igor procedures at the tail of *.pat with an editor.
end if

If NMODE = 1 then
   DEG1 = 10.0: Minimum 2-theta in the calculated (simulated) pattern.
   DEG2 = 60.0: Maximum 2-theta in the calculated (simulated) pattern.

   USTP = 0.01: Step width/degree.

   NPAT = 0! Only the reflection list is output.
   NPAT = 1! Not implemented.
   NPAT = 2! Output a RietPlot file to plot a simulated pattern.
   NPAT = 3! Not implemented.
   NPAT = 4! Output a gnuplot text file to plot a simulated pattern.
   NPAT = 5: Output an Igor text file to plot a simulated pattern.
   # NPAT = 4 (every OS) or 5 (Mac OS and Windows) is recommended.
end if

If NMODE = 1 and NPAT = 5 then
   IWIDTH = 800: Width of the graph.
   IHEIGHT = 400: Height of the graph.

   LBG = 0: Plot no bakcground (fixed).

   IPIZE = 3: Length of tick marks (peak positions).
   IFSIZE = 12: Size of numerial values attached to the x and y axes.
   ILSIZE = 14: Size of labels for axes.
end if

# PC: A constant to determine a 2-theta range for calculating profiles.
# PC < 1 ==> A region where the profile function exceeds peak intensity X PC.
#            If NPRFN = 0, PC < 1.
# PC > 1 ==> A region within peak position +/- FWHM*PC.
If NPRFN = 0 then
   PC = 0.002
else if NPRFN = 1 then
   PC = 15.00
else if NPRFN >= 2 then
   PC = 15.00
end if

# Skip the remaining part if NMODE = 1
If NMODE = 1 then
   Go to *Quit
end if

#        All the data have been input in the case of NMODE = 1.  Bye!        #

If NMODE = 4 then
   # Initial values of multiplicity X |Fc|**2 for the 1st phase are
   NSFF = 0! estimated according to the Wilson statistics.
   NSFF = 1! read in from *.ffi.
   NSFF = 2! all set at 100.0.
   NSFF = 0
end if

If NMODE = 4 and NSFF <> 1 then
   INCMULT = 0! The integrated intensity is regarded as |F|**2.
   INCMULT = 1! The integrated intensity is regarded as multiplicity X |F|**2.
   INCMULT = 0

   CHGPC = 1.0: Cut-off is at first set at CHGPC*PC.*
   # * Restored when lattice or profile parameters are refined.
end if

If NMODE = 4 and NSFF = 1 then
   NCONST = 0! |Fc|'s are varied during least-squares fitting.
   NCONST = 1! |Fc|'s remain constant during least-squares fitting.*
   # * |Fo|'s are calculated from final refined parameters.
   NCONST = 0
end if

If NMODE <> 1 then
   # Nonlinear least-squares methods
   NLESQ = 0! Marquardt method (recommended in most cases).
   NLESQ = 1! Gauss-Newton method.
   NLESQ = 2! Conjugate-direction method (stable but very slow).
   NLESQ = 0

   NESD = 0: Standard deviations are estimated by the conventional method.
   NESD = 1! Standard deviations are estimated by Scott's method.*
   # * Much larger standard deviations will result in comparison with NESD = 0.
end if

If NLESQ <= 1 then
   NAUTO = 0! Refine all the variable parameters simultaneously.
   NAUTO = 1! Refine incrementally (specify variable parameters in each cycle).
   NAUTO = 2! Refine incrementally (automatic; recommended in most cases).
   NAUTO = 3! In addition to NAUTO = 2, check convergence to the global min.
   NAUTO = 2
   # Set NAUTO at 2 usually and at zero near the convergence.

   NCYCL = 15: Maximum number of cycles.
   CONV = 0.0001: Small positive number used for convergence judgement.
   NCONV = 6: Number of cycles used for convergence judgement.

   NC = 0: No nonlinear restraints are imposed on geometric parameters.
   NC = 1! Nonlinear restraints are imposed on geometric parameters.

   TK = 650.0: Penalty parameter.
   FINC = 2.0: Factor by which TK is multiplied when TK is increased.
end if

If NLESQ <= 1 and NAUTO = 1 then
   # Specify parameters to be refined in each cycle plus '/'.
   # In addition to absolute parameter numbers, "label,number/symbol" may be
   # used (Refer to user's manual).
   Parameters refined in each cycle {
   SCALE,1 /
   # Place '}' (+ comment) after the last cycle.
   } End of inputs for numbers of refinable parameters.
end if

If NLESQ <=1 and NAUTO = 3 then
   # Input data for the conjugate-direction method (used to check the
   # convergence at a local minimum).
   MITER = 4: Maximum number of iterations.
   STEP = 0.02: Coefficient to calculate the initial step interval.
   ACC = 1.0E-6: Small positive number used for convergence judgement.
end if

If NLESQ = 2 then
   MITER = 4: Maximum number of iterations.
   STEP = 0.02: Coefficient to calculate the initial step interval.
   ACC = 1.0E-6: Small positive number used for convergence judgement.

   NC = 0: No nonlinear restraints are imposed on geometric parameters.
   NC = 1! Nonlinear restraints are imposed on geometric parameters.

   TK = 650.0: Penalty parameter.
end if

If NC = 1 then
   # To specify nonlinear restraints, an input file for ORFFE, Filename.xyz,
   # must be created by inputting non-zero NDA (described below).  Then, ORFFE
   # is executed to output Filename.ffe, which is referred to learn serial
   # numbers for various interatomic distances and bond angles to enter them
   # in addition to their expected values and allowed deviations below.
   # If Filename.ffe has already been created, it is not created at all.
   # Therefore, note that Filename.ffe must be wasted to make it again.

   Ser. No.  Exp. value  Allowed dev. {
   122       1.47        0.01
   123       1.54        0.01
   178       108.0       3.0

   # Place '}' (+ comment) after the last restraint.
   } End of nonlinear restrains.
end if

NUPDT = 0! Variable parameters (ID = 1, 2) in the input file remain unchanged.
NUPDT = 1! Variable parameters (ID = 1, 2) are updated in the packing mode.
# In the case of NUPDT = 1, parameters are updated by inserting two spaces
# between data.

NFR = 0! No file is output for Fourier/D synthesis.
NFR = 1! Filename.hkl for Fourier/D synthesis is output for the first phase.
NFR = 2! Filename.hkl for Fourier/D synthesis is output for the second phase.
NFR = 0

NMEM = 0! No file is output for MEM analysis.
NMEM = 1! Filename.mem for MEM analysis is output for the first phase.
NMEM = 2! Filename.mem for MEM analysis is output for the second phase.
NMEM = 0

NDA = 0! No file is output which store ORFFE data.
NDA = 1! Filename.xyz for MEM analysis is output for the first phase.
NDA = 2! Filename.xyz for MEM analysis is output for the second phase.
NDA = 1
# Filename.xyz is also used for MADEL and ATOMS by converting it with ff2am.

If NFR > 0 then
   NPIXAF = 32: Number of pixels along the a axis.
   NPIXBF = 32: Number of pixels along the b axis.
   NPIXCF = 128: Number of pixels along the c axis.

   TSCAT = 232.01: Total number of electrons (X-ray) or sum of b_c (N).
   # b_c: coherent scattering length (International Tables, Vol. C, p. 384).
end if

If NMEM > 0 then
   # Title (CHARACTER*70) written in *.mem.
   TITLE = 'Title output for *.mem'

   LANOM = 0: Calculate esd's from I's without contributions of a.d.
   LANOM = 1! Calculate esd's from I's with contributions of a.d.
   # esd: estimated standard deviation, I: integrated intensity,
   # a.d.: anomalous dispersion

   NPIXA = 32: Number of pixels along the a axis.
   NPIXB = 32: Number of pixels along the b axis.
   NPIXC = 128: Number of pixels along the c axis.

   LGR = 0: All the reflections are output independently.
   LGR = 1! Reflections overlapped heavily are output by being grouped.

   LFOFC = 0: Using calculated F'o' based on Rietveld refinement.
   LFOFC = 1! Using Fcal (dependent on the model) in Rietveld refinement.

   EPSD = 0.001: Maximum difference in d/Angstrom in grouped reflections.
   TSCAT1 = 232.01: Total number of electrons (X-ray diffraction) or
                    # sum of positive b_c (neutron diffraction).
   TSCAT2 = 0.0: Zero (X-ray diffraction) or
                 # sum of negative b_c (Neutron diffraction).
end if

# A local integer variable used only in If ... then statements.
NPHASE@ = 1: Number of phases.

If NPHASE@ > 1 and NBEAM = 1 then
   # Mass attenuation coefficients (cm**2/g) for the real chemical species.
   # They are not required with Cu Kalpha or Co Kalpha radiation.

   # To learn mass attenuation coefficients for characteristic X rays, refer to
   # "International Tables for Crystallography," Vol. C, 3rd ed., ed. by E. Prince,
   # Kluwer, Dordrecht (2004), pp. 230-236.

   # For example, in the case of Mo Kalpha radiation,
   # 1.22  7.97  37.6  49.1
end if

If NPHASE@ > 1 and NBEAM = 2 then
   # Mass attenuation coefficients (cm^2/g) for the real chemical species.

   # To learn mass attenuation coefficients at the wavelength of XLMDX, refer to
   # http://lipro.msl.titech.ac.jp/abcoeff/abcoeff2.html

   # For example, if XLMDX is 0.5 Angstroms,
   0.508  2.73  13.6  18.1
end if

If NPHASE@ > 1 and NBEAM > 0 then
   # Effective radii (micrometers) for NPHASE@ phases
   5.0  5.0  5.0
end if

If NDA > 0 then
# Input ORFFE instructions as required and place '}' (+ comment) at the tail.
# Refer to the user's manual for ORFFE instructions used frequently.  ORFFE
# instructions must be input with a fixed column format; note not to set input
# data at erroneous positions.  If NDA > 0, Filename.xyz is output.  This file
# is used as an input file for ORFFE to calculate interatomic distances and bond
# angles.  ORFFE instructions in Filename.xyz can be modified and/or added by
# the user.

ORFFE instructions start {
# Note that the formats of ORFFE instructions differ from original ones!
#        1         2         3         4         5         6         7         8

# Instruction 201, FORMAT(2I5,15X,I5).  Output a list of interatomic distances
# for all the sites.  The second number is the number of sites.  The third
# integer is 10 X (maximum distance in Angstroms).
# Interatomic distances less than 3.1 angstroms are listed
  201    9                  31
# Instruction 2, FORMAT(7I5).  Calculate a bond angle.  Three sets of A and
# 1000*C + S (refer to the output of ORFFE) follow after instruction 2.
} End of ORFFE instructions.
end if

# Cite the following reference whenever you report scientific results obtained
# with RIETAN-2000:
# F. Izumi and T. Ikeda, Mater. Sci. Forum, 321-324 (2000) 198.
# Giving credit to RIETAN-2000 is fine in the case of abstracts, reports, etc.

# If you like RIETAN-2000, please send me a postcard of your home town.
# Is that too much to ask?

# Fujio IZUMI
# Advanced Materials Laboratory
# National Institute for Materials Science
# 1-1 Namiki, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-0044, Japan
# E-mail: IZUMI.Fujio@nims.go.jp
